Innovative Video Lessons from RTC

In April 2021, Rubengera Technical Campus got a great support from the Rotary Clubs in Marburg, Weilburg and Kigali Virunga. Through their donation, we bought two high standard Cameras including all necessary equipment.

Those cameras arrived with the purpose of filming carpentry lessons. The Lessons are being held by the teachers, so that the students can learn from new mean of media communication.

During the shooting of videos, the teachers explain about the machines they use in carpentry. How the machines work , how the making of some small items can be done and so on.

The recorded videos will be saved in the campus’s computer lab. If the students need to remind themselves about any topic which have been taught, they will find the videos in their computer lab and watch them.

The videos will not only be saved in the campus’s computer lab, but also some of them will be uploaded on YouTube. In case the students need them while they are at home or at work place, they can easily find them on their computers or smartphones.

This will even help the carpentry students who have finished their studies at our campus; as well as those who did their studies at other schools. Since the videos will be recorded by using English as an international language.

Rubengera TC